Hybrid meeeting room as a tool to increase involvement level in the workflow


This article discusses the author’s concept of measuring the level of involvement and the possibility of increasing it with the help of a hybrid meeting room. The goal of this paper is to study the author’s concept of a hybrid workspace and its applicability for organizing the workflow in some company. The key problem of the study is the insufficient level of involvement in some common work process when it is organized remotely. During the research, the following methods were applied - empirical (interviewing, surveying, experiment etc.), theoretical (level of involvement modelling, system workflow modelling etc.), practical (data visualization, programming of the components etc.). Based on this study, a hybrid meeting room prototype was developed, which is a proof of hybrid workspace concept.

In the Tools of Project Management and Data Analysis ‘22
Vladislav Indykov
Vladislav Indykov
PhD Candidate in Software Engineering

SE, ML, BI, EDM, etc…